

1. 负责公司海外品牌线产品及海外仓作业系统功能上线前的测试验收、对内对外培训、安装部署、上线跟踪、用户回访、升级维护等,推进项目顺利进行; 2. 负责用户培训,制定培训计划、编写培训文档、召开培训会、培训结果跟踪; 3. 现场或远程为用户提供技术支持及日常维护服务,包括但不限于通过电话、即时通讯软件、Email等方式为用户提供咨询,向用户提供咨询、指导、解释相关业务或技术问题,收集用户反馈信息; 4. 持续优化客户支持体系,打通客户、技术内部各团队的信息衔接,驱动CASE解决。 5. 工作时间:随海外当地考勤时间 6. 完成领导交办的其他工作。 1. Responsible for the testing and acceptance of the company's overseas brand line products and overseas warehouse operation system functions before release date, internal and external training, installation and deployment, online tracking, a user return visit, upgrade and maintenance of the company's overseas brand line products and system functions before they go online, so as to promote the smooth progress of the project. 2. Responsible for user training, make training plan, write training document, hold training meeting and track training result. 3. Provide technical support and daily maintenance services for users on site or remotely, including answering user's consultation calls and emails, providing consultation, guidance, explaining relevant business or technical problems, and collecting user's feedback information; answering user's questions in the process of using the system, proposing comprehensive solutions according to user's feedback, and timely feedback tracking solution. 4. Continuously optimize the customer support system, get through the information connection between customers and technical internal teams, and drive the customer case solution. 5. Working hours: With overseas local attendance time. 6. Complete other tasks assigned by leaders.


1. 定居海外,并有2年以上同行技术支持工作经验。 2. 负责过重大项目从头到尾的技术支持工作。 3. 了解并熟悉供应链业务,至少对国际物流,仓储任意一项或多项业务非常熟悉优先。 4. 有良好的思维习惯,良好的分析问题、解决问题能力,能协调各种资源。 5. 英语熟练,能做为工作语言,直接用口语与国外客户进行沟通。 6. 熟练使用MS Office(Word、Excel、Powerpoint)。 1. Settling Overseas. More than 2 years of experience in the same industry of technical support, with the ability of cross-department cooperation. 2. Responsible for the technical support from the beginning to the end of the implementation of major issues or project. 3. Familiar with supply chain business, at least familiar with international logistics, warehousing any one or more business is preferred. 4. A good habit of thinking, a good ability to analyze and solve problems, coordinate various resources. 5. Proficient in English, can be used as the working language, and oral communication with foreign customers. 6. Familiar with MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio and others).

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